As part of our continuing representation of clients suffering from asbestos disease, Lipsitz, Ponterio & Comerford files claims against bankrupt asbestos companies. The claims process is the most efficient way for clients to recover money for their asbestos disease from exposure to asbestos-containing products manufactured or distributed by bankrupt companies. Even in instances where a lawsuit against non-bankrupt companies is time-barred, quite often bankruptcy claims can still be filed. Here is more info about the asbestos bankruptcy trust update.

Because there are very specific medical and product exposure requirements for each Bankruptcy Trust, not every client has a valid claim against every Trust.

  • The Turner & Newall sub-fund of the Federal Mogul Trust began accepting claims in August 2010. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Turner & Newall was the manufacturer of Limpet brand spray-on fireproofing, which was applied to structural beams and ceilings during the construction of some buildings.
  • The G-I Holdings Trust began accepting claims in October 2010 for exposure to a variety of GAF/Ruberoid asbestos-containing products, including Calsilite pipe covering and block.
  • As of January 2011, the Pittsburgh Corning Trust has not yet been established. Pittsburgh Corning manufactured industrial asbestos-containing insulation in the form of pipe covering and block.

For recent developments concerning bankrupt asbestos companies, please visit our website or call us at (716) 849-0701.

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