Michael Ponterio Appears on AM Buffalo – Highlights Upcoming Bethlehem Steel Seminar

Founding Partner Michael A. Ponterio had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mercedes Wilson of AM Buffalo recently.  Mr. Ponterio describes the lengthy history Lipsitz, Ponterio & Comerford have in representing thousands of individuals exposed to asbestos.  If you want to know more about asbestos disease, radiation-induced cancers, coke oven emissions, lung cancer, and general […]

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Jobsite Spotlight: Bethlehem Steel Lackawanna Plant

The Bethlehem Steel Lackawanna Plant was covered throughout with asbestos-containing materials. The North Mill, South Mill, Strip Mill, Bar Mill, annealing and blast furnaces, open hearth furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces, the mold yards, heating furnaces, boilers, soaking pits, hot tops, and coke ovens all contained asbestos refractory materials. A refractory material is a non-metallic material […]

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