Have you been exposed to asbestos? It can be scary knowing you were around such a dangerous substance. It is important to monitor yourself for symptoms of asbestos poisoning so you can make the right choices for your health. We urge you to move quickly when you believe you are exhibiting symptoms or have received a diagnosis.

Our Buffalo mesothelioma lawyers have been handling asbestos and mesothelioma attorneys for many decades. We would be honored to represent you in our pursuit of justice after you have negligently been exposed to asbestos. Please give our office a call right away to set up your free consultation.

What is Asbestos Poisoning?

You can get asbestos poisoning or asbestosis if you inhale enough asbestos fibers. This is usually found in factory workers, coke plant workers, HVAC workers, etc. People who have handled asbestos in large amounts are more likely to have symptoms of asbestos poisoning.

Asbestosis is a chronic lung condition. When inhaled, asbestos can cause damage to your lungs because it is such a microscopic and indestructible substance. You typically won’t even be able to notice the disease until many years after you were negligently exposed to asbestos.

That is why, even though most of our clients were exposed decades ago, they are only recently receiving their diagnoses of asbestosis and mesothelioma.

Common Symptoms of Asbestos Poisoning

There are several symptoms that you should be aware of if you are concerned about your exposure to asbestos. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should reach out to a doctor right away and tell them about your exposure to asbestos so that you can be properly screened for the disease.

You may notice that you have clubbed fingers, which is an odd yet commonly seen symptom of asbestosis. Respiratory issues are often symptoms of asbestos poisoning. Shortness of breath and chronic coughs are regularly seen in patients who have been exposed to asbestos. If your chest feels tight when you breathe and you have the sensation of crackling in your lungs, you should reach out to a doctor right away.

It is unfortunate that many symptoms of asbestos poisoning can be associated with other health problems such as COPD or asthma. That is why is it so important for you to let your doctor know about any history that you have of asbestos exposure. When they have this information, they are likely to react appropriately and get you the testing that you need in order to receive a proper diagnosis.

Get a Free Consultation with Our Buffalo Mesothelioma Lawyers

If you believe you are experiencing symptoms of asbestos poisoning, you should reach out to a doctor right away. Asbestos poisoning due to exposure in a workplace because of a negligent employer could warrant a claim against that employer. Our Buffalo mesothelioma lawyers would be honored to represent you in the fight for your justice. Give us a call today to set up your free consultation right away.