Have you been exposed to asbestos in your workplace and have now been diagnosed with mesothelioma? Firstly, we are terribly sorry that you have to go through this. We can provide you with the representation that you need to have a successful claim for your diagnosis. In the meantime, you might be concerned with how to find a mesothelioma doctor. Please keep reading to learn more.

Getting Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

A diagnosis for mesothelioma is not going to happen immediately after having been exposed to asbestos or smoking cigarettes. Getting mesothelioma from asbestos exposure is something that happens many years ago. It could be decades ago that you worked around or with asbestos.

You won’t be able to do a saliva or blood test to show that you test positive for mesothelioma. It is not like the flu or strep. Your doctor will set up a chest x-ray or a CT scan. They will be looking for abnormalities in those scans. That is typically how mesothelioma is diagnosed.

They might also take a small piece of tissue from you to biopsy it for cancer cells.

Where to Look for a Mesothelioma Doctor

When you are looking to find a mesothelioma doctor, you might not know where to start. You might be unsure if this is something that your primary care physician can deal with or if you have to go to a specialist after you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Luckily, we live in an area with excellent cancer facilities such as Strong Memorial Hospital and Roswell Park Cancer Center. We are fortunate to live in such proximity to cancer institutes that have pioneered the treatment of cancer.

Begin your search for them right here in Western New York. If you need suggestions for doctors, we’d be happy to help you look. We’re not doctors ourselves, of course, but we have been working with mesothelioma patients in this area and can provide you with some places to look.

Ultimately, who you choose to take care of you following your mesothelioma diagnosis is up to you.

Call Our Office Right Away

If you are looking for more information on your case besides how to find a mesothelioma doctor, we would be glad to help you. You can reach us when you are ready to talk. The sooner, the better. We will be here for you to talk about the case and any other questions you have pertaining to your mesothelioma diagnosis. Contact us today to set up your first consultation.