While we rarely refer mesothelioma or other asbestos-related injury cases to other law firms, we certainly welcome outside referrals of these cases as well as catastrophic injury cases.

Mesothelioma/asbestos litigation involves many complicated facets, such as holding the proper companies responsible for the victim’s exposure to asbestos, knowledge of specific work sites and identifying trade names of asbestos products. Even many experienced trial lawyers may not have the knowledge necessary to prosecute these cases successfully because of the legal and factual complexities involved. Our primary focus at Lipsitz, Ponterio & Comerford is mesothelioma/asbestos litigation, giving us the ability to effectively prosecute these types of cases. Our work with complex asbestos litigation uniquely positions us to litigate catastrophic injury cases as well.

We welcome local and out-of-state referrals. We have worked with many clients who reside outside of New York State. If you have such a client who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer and was exposed to asbestos while living and/or working in New York State, you may call us directly.  Lipsitz, Ponterio & Comerford, LLC, has represented mesothelioma victims who live throughout the United States and Europe.

We are a local law firm with a national reputation. We invite you to discuss your client’s matter.


It is clear to me that your firm is on top of complicated legal issues in serious cases like this one. I wish all plaintiff firms were run like yours. We will collectively bring a strong case for this family. Looking forward to working with your team.


Connor, September 2020